Cool for you

Efyaromantiq ✍️

The morning is bright and clear

yet I cannot see

My sight has been dim and blur

cos you have refuse to be

in my life for me to experience

love’s true astonishing light.

In you there is light

hence without you I cannot see

Let’s join together our lines

to hew one whole circle

and in it we ain’t gonna be

fearful of the irresistible darkness.

You along with me,

I know I’m secured in belonginess

Your light strenthens my life

and makes my heart grows strong

and this , there is none

who can do it as you.

Let’s put our hearts together

to drive away the darkness

that fills up our home

and to rejuvenate the lights

that brigthens our soul.

😍efyaromantiq 😍

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